


For Immediate Release


Media Contact | Original Press Release
Name: Kimberly Holden
Title: Director, Marketing and Public Relations
Phone: 706.771.4819



Augusta, GA -June 27, 2022

African American male wearing black glasses, blue collared shirt, blue blazer with a silver lapel pin and blue pants poses for a photo next to a Caucasian female wearing a black and white collared shirt and black pants and silver watch holding a brown gavel; both are standing in front of a black background with the repeating pattern of the Office of the President seal.买世界杯app推荐很高兴地宣布任命. 帕特·古德温将成为20222024年即将上任的大学董事会主席.

Ms. Goodwin是Blanchard and Calhoun房地产公司活跃的持牌房地产经纪人. 她曾担任并领导过许多非营利董事会/委员会,并积极支持地区和州的努力,帮助我们的地区成为一个伟大的居住地, work and play.

Ms. 古德温居住在哥伦比亚县,拥有美世大学工商管理学位. 她的职业生涯跨越了29年,在南方公司服务公司工作,并在乔治亚医学院工作了13年. 她曾担任奥古斯塔罗纳德麦当劳主席, Leadership Augusta and Columbia County, Development Authority of Columbia County, 他是哥伦比亚县会议和游客局主席,目前是哥伦比亚县商会董事会成员,也是商会政府事务委员会的积极成员. 她获得了商会年度志愿者奖(2008年)和领导力奖(2012年)。.

Mr. Darnell Nicholas, a Business Unit Leader at John Deere, will serve as the 2022-2024 incoming Vice Chair.
Mr. 尼古拉斯是美国军事学院(西点军校)的毕业生,拥有系统工程学位. 他曾在军队中担任营情报官, military intelligence detachment commander, 旅反情报官员和部队指挥官. 服兵役后,他开始在John Deere工作,目前担任其格罗夫敦的业务部门负责人, GA facility.

“This is an exciting time for the institution, 我们有两位杰出的领导者由他们的同龄人选出来带领我们走向未来," stated College President Dr. Jermaine Whirl. "I'm excited to work with Ms. Goodwin, Mr. 尼古拉斯,和我们所有的董事会成员一起推动这个机构向前发展.

买世界杯app推荐当地董事会的成员由地区工业和教育官员提名,并由乔治亚州技术学院系统董事会批准. 董事会每月召开一次会议,解释州董事会的政策,并提供补充政策,以确保中央萨凡纳河地区(CSRA)的需求得到满足. 职责包括审查和批准目标和目的, short-range and long-range plans, facilities expansion, program additions and changes, 年度预算,报国务院批准.



About Augusta Technical College

Augusta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, 是提供学术和技术教育的公立高等教育机构吗, customized business and industry training, continuing education, student support, economic development, and adult education services to its service area (Burke, Columbia, Lincoln, McDuffie, and Richmond Counties) at a competitive financial value. Associate of Science Degrees, Associate of Applied Science Degrees, diplomas, 通过传统和远程交付方式提供技术证书. For more information, visit

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