
买世界杯app推荐宣布2023学院 RPA获奖者Tiffany Rowe Thomas

恭喜夫人. Rowe-Thomas!


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RPA获奖者Tiffany Rowe Thomas

蒂芙尼Rowe-Thomas, an African American female with long braided hair worn in a half up, half down style smiles at the camera wearing a black and white checkered top and a black sweater against a backdrop of the 买世界杯app推荐 Seal in heritage green on a white background.佐治亚州奥古斯塔——2022年11月30日

蒂芙尼Rowe-Thomas, 奥古斯塔校区商业技术讲师, has been named the 2023 Rick Perkins Instructor of the Year Award winner for 买世界杯app推荐. The announcement was made virtually by College President 杰梅因旋转 on Monday, November 14, 2022.

夫人. Rowe-Thomas is a proud alumna of 买世界杯app推荐 where she completed the Associate of Applied Technology in Accounting. 完成副学士学位后, she completed a Bachelor of Business Administration (Brenau University), a Master of Business Administration with an emphasis in Management (Troy University) and a Master of Science in Management with an emphasis in Human Resource Management (Troy University).

在她的大学生涯中, she has served the college in numerous roles including administrative secretary, 兼职教师, 自2008年起担任全职讲师. 她是学院顾问委员会的成员.

奥古斯塔理工学院祝贺奥古斯塔夫人. Rowe-Thomas for being selected our 20222023 Rick Perkins Instructor of the Year,学院院长Dr. 杰梅因旋转. "Her story is an exemplar of the power of technical education. 赢得了G.E.D. and associate degree at 奥古斯塔 Tech propelled her to go on to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degree. Now she’s an instructor at her alma mater giving back and being an example to current students that they can obtain the same level of success. She’s a true testament that technical education changes lives."

夫人. Rowe-Thomas will represent 买世界杯app推荐 at the regional competition on March 7, 2023, 如果入选地区决赛, 会参加2023年4月的州赛吗.

夫人. Rowe-Thomas has been nominated numerous times for instructor of the year, and she is excited to represent the college and share her story: “Having a strong foundation makes the journey through life a little easier along the way,” and 奥古斯塔 Tech has helped provide a strong foundation for many of 夫人. Rowe-Thomas的学生.

The state winner will carry the title of Technical College System of Georgia’s Instructor of the Year and serve as the state’s ambassador for technical education. The winner exemplifies excellence and a commitment to the mission of the Technical College System of Georgia and makes many public appearances throughout the year, 包括在格鲁吉亚大会上的讲话, 州长和TCSG领导会议, 举几个例子. A $1,000 grand prize is also presented to the deserving award winner.

The Rick Perkins Award (RPA) for Excellence in Technical Instruction honors the Technical College System of Georgia’s (TCSG) most outstanding instructors. The award has been an ongoing statewide event since 1991 and is designed to recognize technical college instructors who make significant contributions to technical education through innovation and leadership in their fields. Formerly known as the Commissioner’s Award of Excellence, the award was renamed in honor and memory of Thomas “Rick” Perkins, 西佐治亚技术学院的讲师.



买世界杯app推荐, 佐治亚技术学院系统的一个单位, is a public postsecondary institution that provides academic and technical education, 定制的商业和行业培训, 继续教育, 学生支持, 经济发展, 为其服务地区提供成人教育服务(伯克), 哥伦比亚, 林肯, 麦克达菲, 和里士满县)具有竞争力的金融价值. 理学副学士学位, 应用科学副学士学位, 文凭, and technical certificates of credit are provided through traditional and distance delivery methods. 欲了解更多信息,请访问

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